Purchase Quality Combined Bearings From Leading Manufacturer

The combined bearing is suitable for the conveying system. It is used to manufacture the brand range of the heavy duty linear motion system. The manufacturer offers the complete range of the combined bearings such as non-standard design and standard design. They can manufacture the combined bearings based on their needs. It is very simple to install and maintain. It can support the shock loads, heavy loads and enhance durability with the help of top-notch material and unique design.

Combined Bearings Manufacturer Offers a large range of the bearing products at the affordable price. They use the advanced technology and quality material to manufacture the bearing products. The reputed bearing manufacturer offers material handling bearing, back up roller and much more. They have trained team to deliver the quality service. They design bearing products based on client needs.

Features of Track roller

The track roller is one of the important parts of the machine. It is specially designed to run different types of tracks. It is used in different places such as conveyor system, cam driver and others The Yoke type track rollers are available in different row units such as single and double that fitted on the studs. Yoke Type Track Roller has excellent features such as long service life, accommodate high radial loads and others.

Yoke Type Track Roller

This track roller comprises the thick-walled outer rings that come with the profiled outside surface, full complement cylindrical sets, needle roller, needle rollers, and others. It supports the high radial loads as well as axial loads arising from the skewed running. It is perfectly suitable for cam drives, conveying components, sideways, and others. The bearings are available in several design and types for the various operating condition as well as application.

Uses of the backup roller

Back Up Roller

Back Up Rollers are used to enhance the running condition of sheet flattening machine, conveyors belts, shears, straightening flattening machine, rolling mills and others. It is manufactured with the complete cylindrical roller components that are perfectly suitable for the concentrated as well as heavy loads. It is available with the sealing system, labyrinth system, thermoplastic seals and others. They are mounted in the line with the sturdy shaft. This roller is protected by the protection of steel sheet subjected to the anti-oxidant surface. The stud and rings are developed in tempering and hardening steep with the help of maximum hardness.


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